Unleash Your Inner Political Maverick: The PMP-Powered Strategy for Change

11 min. read

Are you ready to disrupt the political status quo and champion the change you’ve been yearning to see in your country? It’s time to fuse the strategic mastery of “The Politics Industry” with the timeless warfare tactics from Robert Greene’s “The 33 Laws of War,” all while wielding your PMP knowledge areas like a seasoned general leading the charge. This isn’t just about making a splash in the political sphere; it’s about crafting a tidal wave of transformation. So while we touch on politics in the United States, the ideas, concepts, and applications can be applied in any country. Buckle up, future leaders; we’re about to embark on a journey to political stardom, with PMP knowledge areas as our secret arsenal.

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We first look at “The Politics Industry: How Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy”, a book by Katherine M. Gehl and Michael E. Porter, that takes a unique and analytical approach to understanding the American political system. The authors apply the frameworks of industry competition to politics, arguing that the political system functions more like a private industry than a public institution designed to serve the public interest. Here are some of the key insights from the book:

  • Duopoly of Political Parties: Gehl and Porter argue that the American political system is dominated by a duopoly of the Democratic and Republican parties, which acts as a barrier to competition and innovation. This duopoly benefits the parties and their insiders, rather than the American people, leading to a lack of accountability and poor performance.
  • The Political Industrial Complex: The book introduces the concept of the “Political Industrial Complex,” which includes various stakeholders such as political parties, candidates, consultants, and media that are incentivized to maintain the status quo. This complex thrives on partisanship, conflict, and gridlock, which in turn drives revenue and engagement within the industry.
  • Misaligned Incentives: Gehl and Porter highlight how the current political system misaligns incentives, focusing on winning elections rather than solving problems or representing the public’s interest. This misalignment discourages compromise, innovation, and effective governance.
  • Lack of Competition: The authors point out that the barriers to entry in the political arena are high, which stifles competition and innovation. The dominance of the two major parties and the electoral rules favor incumbents and make it difficult for new entrants or independent candidates to succeed.
  • Reforms for Political Innovation: Gehl and Porter propose several reforms aimed at increasing competition, accountability, and innovation in the political system. These include open primaries, non-partisan elections, ranked-choice voting, and campaign finance reform. They argue that these changes could help break the gridlock, encourage more moderate and solution-oriented candidates, and ultimately lead to a more responsive and effective government.
  • The Role of Citizens: The book also emphasizes the role of citizens in demanding change and holding the political system accountable. Gehl and Porter argue that public awareness and pressure are crucial for driving political innovation and reform.

“The Politics Industry” offers a compelling analysis of the structural problems within the American political system and provides a roadmap for how to overcome partisan gridlock and improve democratic governance. It’s a call to action for political reform, innovation, and greater citizen engagement in the political process.

Now let’s apply key insights from the book “The Politics Industry” and fuse them with guidance from Robert Greene’s book, “The 33 Laws of War”, while underpinning our foundation with the framework from the PMP Knowledge Areas to come up with a game plan to make any country better for all citizens.

It is important to have a holistic, clear, and decisive project plan before beginning any new endeavor. Having a holistic, clear, and decisive project plan before starting a project is crucial for a number of reasons. Here’s a breakdown of why it’s so important:


  • Encompasses the Big Picture: A holistic plan considers all aspects of the project—goals, scope, resources, timelines, risks, communication, and more. This provides a comprehensive view that helps prevent unexpected surprises and bottlenecks.
  • Aligns Everyone: Bringing together all relevant stakeholders for input and buy-in ensures the project aligns with the overall business strategy and everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.


  • Defines Success: Clear objectives and milestones ensure everyone knows what success looks like and how it will be measured.
  • Provides Focus: A clear plan outlines tasks, dependencies, and timelines. This helps the team stay focused and on track, minimizing wasted effort and unnecessary tangents.
  • Reduces Misunderstandings: Miscommunication can easily sidetrack a project. A clear plan leaves less room for ambiguity, minimizing conflicts and improving coordination.


  • Avoids Indecision: Projects without decisive plans often stall as critical decisions get delayed. A decisive plan outlines key decision-makers and a process for resolving roadblocks.
  • Inspires Confidence: A decisive plan demonstrates preparedness and instills confidence in team members, stakeholders, and leadership.
  • Mitigates Risk: Proactive risk identification and contingency planning within the project plan helps the team anticipate and respond to challenges effectively.

Specific Benefits of a Strong Project Plan:

  • Improved resource allocation: Determine necessary team members, budget, equipment, and other resources for optimal project completion.
  • Effective time management: Realistic timelines and clear milestones ensure the project progresses on schedule.
  • Reduced costs: A well-planned project helps identify potential inefficiencies and avoid costly rework or delays.
  • Greater transparency and accountability: Everyone has clear visibility into project progress, reducing confusion and promoting shared responsibility.
  • Enhanced flexibility: While detailed, a good plan leaves room to adjust and respond to the inevitable changes and obstacles that will arise.


For reference, we define some of Robert Greene’s strategies here:

1. The Death-Ground Strategy

Definition: This strategy is about putting yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to fight with everything you have. It’s based on the idea that when people realize they must fight to survive, their efforts and creativity are maximized.

2. The Law of the Heart

Clarification: While not a specific law from Greene’s “The 33 Strategies of War,” the concept aligns with the idea of winning hearts and minds, crucial in any kind of warfare or political campaign. It’s about connecting on an emotional level to inspire and lead effectively.

3. The Law of Timing

Definition: This strategy emphasizes the importance of acting at the right moment. Timing your actions perfectly can leverage momentum and public sentiment, making your efforts more effective.

4. The Law of Guerilla Warfare

Definition: Guerilla warfare is about using unconventional tactics to fight against a stronger opponent. It involves surprise, sabotage, and flexibility, making the most of limited resources to create a strategic advantage.

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5. The Law of Integrity

Clarification: Again, not explicitly one of Greene’s strategies, but integrity plays a crucial role in any leader’s strategy. Maintaining ethical standards and honesty builds trust and loyalty, which are indispensable in war and politics.

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6. The Law of Alliance

Definition: This strategy involves forming alliances to strengthen your position. It recognizes that partnerships can amplify your power and influence, helping you achieve objectives that would be difficult to accomplish alone.

7. The Law of Seduction

Definition: In the context of Greene’s strategies, seduction is about charming and influencing others to gain their support or neutralize their opposition. It’s not about deception but about persuasion and attraction.

8. The Law of Foresight

Definition: Planning and anticipating future challenges are crucial in warfare. This strategy involves understanding potential threats and opportunities ahead of time, allowing for strategic preparation and action.

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9. The Law of the Void

Definition: This strategy focuses on creating something from nothing, finding value in what appears to be useless or insignificant. It’s about being resourceful and innovative, turning weaknesses into strengths.

10. The Law of Polarization

Definition: Polarization is about defining clear distinctions between you and your opponents. It involves drawing lines that clarify your stance, making it easier to rally support and isolate your adversaries.

11. The Law of Reciprocity

Clarification: While not explicitly mentioned in Greene’s work, the principle of reciprocity is a powerful tool in negotiation and relationship-building, where mutual exchanges lead to beneficial outcomes.

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Integrating these strategies from “The 33 Strategies of War” with PMP knowledge areas as we do below, offers a unique and powerful framework for political and personal success. Each strategy can be adapted to fit various scenarios, from political campaigns to organizational leadership, providing a multifaceted approach to conquering challenges and achieving objectives.

Commanding the Battlefield with Strategic Integration

Dive into the fray with the PMP knowledge area, Integration Management, harmonizing your campaign’s every move. But here’s the twist: marry this approach with Greene’s cunning war strategies. Imagine deploying “The Death-Ground Strategy” with the precision of a PMP master, using your project management prowess to create a campaign so compelling, it leaves no option but retreat for your adversaries.

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Defining Victory: The Scope of Your Ambition

Harness the power of PMP knowledge area, Scope Management, to crystallize your political vision. Then, infuse it with Greene’s “Law of the Heart.” Your campaign isn’t just a list of policies; it’s a crusade that connects deeply with the electorate’s soul. With PMP knowledge areas guiding your strategic planning, your mission will resonate on a profound, emotional level, turning apathy into action.

Timing Your Triumph: Schedule Management Meets The Art of Timing

Merge the PMP knowledge area, Schedule Management, with Greene’s “Law of Timing” to unleash a campaign that strikes with impeccable precision. Just as a project manager calculates the perfect moment to launch a new phase, you’ll identify the political zeitgeist’s pulse, capturing the collective imagination when it’s most receptive to your revolutionary ideas.

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Guerrilla Budgeting: Resourceful Cost Management

Incorporate the PMP knowledge area, Cost Management, to navigate the financial battleground, drawing inspiration from Greene’s guerrilla warfare tactics. Imagine running a lean, mean political machine that stretches every dollar to its breaking point, using resourcefulness and creativity to outmaneuver the financially bloated campaigns of your rivals.

The Integrity Offensive: Quality Management on the Moral High Ground

Apply the principles of PMP knowledge area, Quality Management, to ensure your campaign is synonymous with integrity and excellence. Channel Greene’s insights on reputation and honor to cultivate a political brand that stands unwavering in its ethical convictions, attracting followers with its beacon of trustworthiness.

Rallying the Troops: Human Resources Management with a Touch of Alliance

Leverage PMP knowledge area, Human Resource Management, to assemble a team of loyal, passionate crusaders, united under your banner. Combine this with Greene’s “Law of Alliance,” creating a formidable coalition that transcends traditional political boundaries, powered by a shared vision of change.

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The Seduction of the Masses: Masterful Communications Management

Utilize the PMP knowledge area, Communications Management, to craft messages that don’t just inform, but enchant and galvanize the public. Drawing from Greene’s “Law of Seduction,” your communications will weave a captivating narrative that ensnares the hearts and minds of your audience, transforming passive observers into active participants in your political odyssey.

Foreseeing the Unforeseen: Risk Management as Your Clairvoyance

Employ the PMP knowledge area, Risk Management, to anticipate and neutralize potential threats to your campaign. Inspired by Greene’s strategic foresight, you’ll navigate the political landscape with the acumen of a chess grandmaster, turning would-be crises into opportunities for victory.

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The Art of Political Procurement: Securing Your Arsenal

Invoke PMP knowledge area, Procurement Management, to judiciously acquire the resources and alliances crucial for your campaign’s success. In the spirit of Greene’s “Law of the Void,” you’ll master the art of creating something from nothing, ensuring that every asset in your arsenal contributes to the ultimate goal of transformational change.

Winning Hearts and Battlegrounds: The Strategy of Stakeholder Engagement

Finally, blend PMP knowledge area, Stakeholder Management, with Greene’s tactical diplomacy to engage friends and foes alike. Understand the motivations, fears, and aspirations of all players on the political chessboard, using this insight to forge alliances, neutralize threats, and galvanize a broad coalition of support.

Conclusion: The Dawn of a New Era

Armed with the strategic insights from “The Politics Industry” and “The 33 Laws of War,” and empowered by the comprehensive toolkit of PMP knowledge areas, you’re now equipped to lead a campaign unlike any before. This is your moment to step forward as a beacon of change, blending the art of war with the science of project management to create a political movement that reshapes the landscape.

The journey ahead is fraught with challenges, but for the political maverick armed with PMP knowledge areas, every obstacle is an opportunity, and every setback, a setup for a comeback. The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and the world awaits the arrival of a new kind of leader—one who fights not just for the power to rule, but for the power to transform.

Rally your allies, strategize your campaign, and march forth with the confidence of a PMP-certified political gladiator. The future is yours to shape.

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