The world is going through crazy and hard times. Organizations are trying to do their best to offer their products and services with a minimum interruption while people are locked down in their homes. PMI was working on alternatives to offer the PMP exam online, which is the flagship certification track of PMI as well. Because all Pearson VUE test centers in the US & Canada and in many other countries were closed due to the pandemic. Many aspirants ask this question:
Can I Take PMP Exam Online? The answer is YES!
PMI President, Sunil Prashara, announced in a LinkedIn article he wrote in March that PMI is preparing to offer the exam online through webcam proctoring by mid-April. As of April 14th, 2020, PMI officially announced that PMP certification aspirants can schedule to take their exam online. You can see the official LinkedIn post below:

How can I take the PMP exam online?
The online proctoring experience will be similar to the in-person option with additional advantages. You will be able to take the PMP certification exam from your home with your internet-connected PC or tablet. Taking an in-person exam requires finding a suitable PMP exam schedule in a Pearson VUE test center. However, with the online proctoring option, you will be able to take your exam whenever you wish. The following are the fundamentals you must have to take online proctor testing.
- Computer with a webcam – because a live proctor will watch you during the exam
- Reliable internet connection
- A quiet room to take the exam online for four hours.
The online exam will be conducted by Pearson VUE as well. Once you complete the PMP application and pass the eligibility, you will have the option to schedule your exam in your PMI profile. You will go through the same steps as well. Besides center-based testing, there will be an online proctor testing option as well. To apply for the PMP certification exam, you must complete your 35 contact hours of PMP Training first. You can attend in a self-paced or instructor-led virtual training
1- Self Paced PMP Training
100% Online and Self-Paced PMP Training Master of Project Academy includes 35 contact hours required to be eligible to sit for the exam. Instructors are 24/7 available in discussion forums. 300+ lectures, 750+ PMP Practice Questions, and flexible pricing options are the highlights of this option. Visit the self-paced online PMP training page for more details or from the link below.
If you are looking for a PMP certification exam online training with thousands of PMP practice questions PMP Certification Online Course bundle will be a good option. The most comprehensive PM training bundle of Master of Project Academy is the Project Management Training program.
PMP success stories of Master of Project Academy prove the quality of this online PMP certification course. Don Wheeler is one of the several PMP success stories of Master of Project Academy. Don passed the exam successfully with the PMP training from Master of Project Academy and he scored “Above Target” on all five domains of the exam. This is the highest score that a PMP candidate can get from the PMP exam. You can read Don’s PMP success story.
We have tried to summarize and explain the most frequently asked questions about the new PMP online proctor testing method.
What is included in our 35 contact hours of self-paced PMP Training?
2- Instructor-Led Virtual PMP Classes
Master of Project Academy offers weekdays and weekend Virtual training sessions. The duration of the virtual PMP class is 4 days and 35 contact hours. Weekday sessions start every Monday and end on Thursday. Weekend sessions start biweekly on Saturdays and end on two weekends (Saturday & Sunday). You can learn more about PMP Class Online options from the link below.
Attend our 100% Online & Self-Paced One-Hour Free PMP Training.
How does online proctoring work?
The participant will be monitored by a live proctor during the exam. So, make sure you schedule your online exam as early as possible. There will be available slots every 15 minutes so exam takers will be able to find a time 24/7 around their schedule.
Since you are required to be video monitored by a live proctor during your exam, the exam is not “on-demand” and you need to schedule it ahead of time. However, our schedule has slots available every 15 minutes so you can find a time 24/7 that is convenient for your schedule.
This is great flexibility offered by PMI. We strongly recommend you invest in yourself during the crisis while you are stuck at home. You can get ready for the PMP certification exam online, schedule your exam, and take the exam online at your home. You can see our PMP online training options.
I could not take the PMP exam in the test center since it was closed – How can I take my exam online now?
Once the testing centers were closed due to the pandemic, PMI announced that they waived the rescheduling fees. You can reschedule your exam and take the PMP certification exam through online proctoring. Note that, when rescheduling your exam, you will see the center-based testing option as well. In this case, there are two options:
- If the testing center has been restored, you can schedule your in-person exam and take the exam in the testing center.
- If the testing centers are still closed, scheduling options in the closed testing centers are still selectable. However, you will see in the next step that there are not any seats available.
I have a scheduled future PMP exam date – Can I cancel it and take the PMP certification exam online?
Yes, PMI does not charge any rescheduling exam fees for the moment. You can cancel your previous center-based testing appointments and reschedule your exam to take the exam online.
How will the online proctoring work?
There will be a live proctor monitoring you through your webcam throughout the exam. You will go through a check-in process before you start your online exam. Your photo will be taken, a picture of your id card (driver’s license, passport, national id, etc.), and recordings of your surroundings will be taken. Recording of your surroundings is necessary because the live proctor will check whether you have any books open, another one in the room that might help you during the exam, or any other things that might invalidate your exam.
You will not be able to leave the proctor’s view while you are taking your exam online. Therefore, we recommend you prepare yourself to sit for the exam for a few hours without any interruption. You should take your exam in a walled and quiet room and no one else should be present in the room while you are taking the exam.
Once you schedule a PMP certification exam online date and time, the online exam link will be available 30 minutes before the date and time you scheduled.
Can I take a break during the Online Exam?
Both center-based testing and online proctoring exam offer a 10-min break option. The exam has two parts, you will complete the first part and you will have the option to take a 10-mins break. Once you complete the first part, you cannot revisit/change the questions you already answered in the first part.
What should I do if I will have a technical issue or connection problems during my online exam?
The live proctor will contact you via phone or through your mic and speakers on your computer. You will be guided by the live proctor to fix the issue and the next steps you should take.
Can other PMI certification exams be taken online?
PMI was offering online proctoring for PMI-ACP and CAPM certification exams already before the pandemic. You can schedule your PMI-ACP or CAPM exams to take online as well.
For more information and FAQ you can visit: