Six Sigma is a problem-solving process that is used by engineers and other professionals worldwide. The Six Sigma process is a structured, data-driven approach to problem-solving. There are many aspects to the 6 Sigma ranging in difficulty which is why there are levels of Six Sigma Certification: green belts, black belts, and master black belts. […]
Tag: Six sigma process

5 Key Deliverables of the DMAIC Process Measure Phase
LEAN Six Sigma courses teach the Six Sigma approach which involves the DMAIC process. This acronym stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control as described in free Six Sigma training. These five phases that each Six Sigma project needs to go through for successful implementation. The importance of the Measure phase is often overlooked. This article […]

Six Sigma: What is the Normal Distribution Curve?
Six Sigma is a data-driven approach to problem-solving. The six Sigma approach involves many statistical and mathematical concepts such as the normal distribution curve. Lean Six Sigma courses discuss the main statistical concepts necessary to solve problems according to 6 sigma rules. Six Sigma principles rely heavily on the understanding of the normal distribution curve as […]