2018 PMP exam

PMP Exam Review – Rishi’s PMP Exam Success Story

4 min. read

Rishi is working as an IT Application Development Manager in in a software development company. Rishi cleared the PMP exam in his first attempt. We asked Rishi to share his experiences and recommendations for PMP aspirants. Read Rishi’s PMP exam review and success story below.

1-How long did you study for the PMP exam?

Infact, I liked to learn at my own pace, considering my current work bandwidth. My total preparation time spanned for 10 months, but the last 45 days were quite intensive.

2-What was the biggest struggle when preparing for PMP exam?

The biggest challenge was considering the project management concepts. I used to get lost, while reading the book line-by-line, which I never mastered.

I mitigated that by using the e-learnings / training videos of Master of Project Academy. I must admit that “Master of Project” PMP videos are really vivid and I always felt like I am in a classroom in from of an educator and this helped me to control my attention.

3-How was the quality of PMP training materials?

It is very comprehensive & top notch. It covers all the key concepts and the quality of the questions really helped me to challenge my learnings. I must praise the voice & pronunciation of the author who voiced the training video. I was able to follow & understand without any glitch.

4-How much similar were the questions in real PMP exam when you considered?

To me, it’s not about the similarity. The wide range & quality of the questions that we have in “Master of Project” helped me to prepare well and face the real PMP exam. The biggest tip that I can give as part of my PMP exam review is, practice with as many PMP sample questions as possible.

5-How many sample PMP exam questions did you practice before the exam?

I have done all the questions after the chapters and full sized exams provided by “Master of Project”. I tried multiple times, with tracking of every attempt and to compare, where improving & needs further improvements. In total I have attempted about 2000 questions.

2019 pmp exam

6-How was the support you received throughout the PMP training?

Frankly, most of the questions which I had on the training material were already inquired by other fellow  Learners and it was duly responded by the Author. I did had couple of instances, where I reached out to the team and got prompt response from Emily.

7-Do you have any recommendations for future PMP candidates?

Don’t give-up, don’t get astonished / afraid by the vast syllabus. Go through the training video first, before reading the PMBOK. This would make the reading lighter and you will get the confidence on progressing swiftly.

8-Do you have any tips for the PMP exam day?

I read this somewhere and it helped me. If you ever get couple of consecutive tough questions, then close your eyes and think of someone / something which would make you feel better. Then resume with the next question. You may lose 5-7 seconds on doing this, but you will feel like reenergized with positive vibe. This really worked for me.

9-If you would give 3 tips to your close friend about PMP certification, what would you recommend as part of your PMP exam review?

  • Try this out for at least one chapter and see if it works for you. Watch the training video –> Read the PMBOK –> Re-watch the training video –> Glance through the PMPBOK –> Attempt the chapter questions
  • Recollect & write down the learnings randomly (for instance recollecting the Organizational structure, while you are in Scope Management). Not to test your memory power, but to check the ability of recollecting the learning in non-chronological order.
  • Enough is not enough – attempt to answer as many sample question as possible. Over prepared is always better than, under prepared at least for exams.

10-Finally, how likely is it that you would recommend Master of Project Academy to a friend or Colleague?

I cleared the PMP exam with above target on 4/5 domains. Most part of this credits goes to “Master of Project Academy”. Infact, I already recommended “Master of Project Academy” to my fellow learners. I felt the training videos made me attentive and the same questions made me better prepared.

About Anantha Rishikesan Thamotharan

2019 pmp exam

Anantha Rishikesan Thamotharan (Rishi) is an IT Application Development Manager in a leaning Software Consulting Firm. Consulted for Fortune Companies like, Bank of America, Ford and Walgreens. Currently, Rishi lives in Chennai, India.

Thanks to Rishi for sharing his PMP exam review.

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2019 PMP exam