Closing Process Group

Project Closure Phase: 8 Steps of Closing Process Group

3 min. read

A project is a temporary endeavor, so it has a beginning and also an end. We have seen the phases of the project life cycle, called the ‘project management process groups’. Every process group has a particular objective. But what is the aim of the project closure? Doesn’t the project end after finishing the work and handing out the outcome? Of course not. During the last project phase of the life cycle, meaning the project closure, everything should be detailed in order to measure if the project went as planned and if the outcome is done as required by the customer.

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In this article, we are going to define the important steps for a successful closing phase. If you want to learn more about project management our online PMP training or CAPM training will guide you through every aspect of process groups. 

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What is the objective?

Project closure activities are important parts of the project. They ensure the recording of project documents such as the project plan, archiving of organizational process assets, making final payments, releasing resources, and completing the project. Every project teaches lessons to the organization whether it’s a success or a failure. So even after a project finishes, the project documentation is going to be helpful for completing the upcoming project success.

For a thriving project closure, the project manager and the project management team members should consider some closing process group activities Now let’s review them one by one.

What are the 8 steps?

Project closure

Project Closure Step #1: Confirm work is done as per the requirements

When closing a project, all deliverables of the project must have been completed and delivered to the customer. You should also take formal acceptance of the customer for the completed work.

Project Closure Step #2: Complete procurement closure

Since the project is closing, you should complete any remaining payments that need to be made to the suppliers or partners. The procurement steps are also completed.

Project Closure Step #3: Gain formal acceptance

Formal acceptance of the project and project deliverables are taken from the customer. Usually, the customer presents a written document, it can be an email or a signed-off document, which states that the project has been completed and they accept the outputs of the project.

Project closure

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Project Closure Step #4: Complete final performance reporting

The final performance of the project is calculated and recorded. These include cost performance, schedule performance, quality performance, etc. For instance, whether the project has been completed under budget or if it could not be completed, how much did the project exceed the planned budget?

Project Closure Step #5: Index and archive records

The collected documents are finalized. Final versions of the project management plans and all necessary documents about the project are archived in the company records as archive documentation.

Project Closure Step #6: Update lessons learned

Lessons learned are collected and gathered from all stakeholders. Lessons learned documentation is stored in the organizational process assets of the company.

Project closure

Step #7: Hand of the completed product

Once the project is complete, the product of the project is handed over for the use of the end customer. The handover may need a predetermined period of assistance or some documents describing how to use or how to operate the product.

Step #8: Release resources

After the project is completed successfully, all assignments of the project resources are closed, lessons learned inputs from the project resources are collected, and then these resources are released respectively.

As you see, the project closure is also as important as the other phases, so you must take these activities into consideration for better outcomes in your future projects.

Project closure

Project Closure

Review by: Kitty Richards


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