“Pinky, Brain, and the PMP: A Tail of World Domination”

4 min. read


Hello, dear readers! Today, we embark on an unusual yet enlightening journey, exploring how our beloved animated masterminds, Pinky and the Brain, would fare better with a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification rather than a PRINCE2 certification in their comical yet relentless quest for world domination. Buckle up, as we delve into the quirky world of project management, armed with acronyms, agile methodologies, and an appetite for global conquest!

Why PMP over PRINCE2 for World Domination:

Imagine the scene: The Brain, with his grandiose plans, and Pinky, ever the enthusiastic sidekick, are in their lab. Brain’s eyes light up with the latest scheme to take over the world. But wait! Instead of the usual haphazard approach, Brain is now a PMP-certified genius. Why PMP, you ask? Let’s break it down.

  • PMP vs PRINCE2: The Great Debate:

    • PMP Recognized More Than PRINCE2: The PMP certification, governed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), enjoys global recognition. For a duo aiming at world domination, this universal recognition is crucial. Brain would appreciate that more world leaders and organizations are familiar with PMP than PRINCE2.
    • PMP ROI (Return on Investment): Brain, being a strategic thinker, would recognize the higher ROI of PMP. With its focus on leadership and strategic expertise, PMP aligns perfectly with his ambitions of ruling the world.
    • Agile Methods in PMP: The PMP certification has evolved to include agile practices. Brain’s plans often require flexibility and adaptability – precisely what agile methodologies offer. You can also learn Agile by enrolling in our Agile courses
  • Real-Life Scenarios with PMP for Pinky and the Brain:

    • Instructor-Led PMP Course and Online PMP Course: Brain, always seeking efficiency, opts for an online PMP course, fitting his world domination planning around his busy schedule. Meanwhile, Pinky might prefer an instructor-led PMP course, enjoying the interactive and engaging learning environment. Master of Project Academy offers both self-paced online PMP course and online virtual PMP training
    • PMP Exam Questions and PMP Practice Exam: The Brain, with his meticulous nature, would use PMP exam questions and practice exams to ensure a deep understanding of project management principles. Pinky, on the other hand, would likely find creative (and humorous) ways to remember PMP concepts. You can also check out our PMP Exam Simulator and PMP Exams & Math Lectures to practice for your PMP exam. 
  • Using PMP Skills in World Domination:

    • Scaled Agile Benefits: Brain would utilize the scaled agile framework to manage multiple components of his world domination strategy simultaneously. Enroll in our Leading SAFe course to learn more about Scaled Agile.  
    • Root Cause Analysis: When plans go awry, as they often do, Brain’s PMP skills in root cause analysis would help in quickly identifying and addressing the underlying issues (usually caused by Pinky’s blunders).  You can also master your decision-making by using the OODA Loop.

The Cons:

  • Scaled Agile Framework Failure and Scaled Agile Sprint Planning: Brain might struggle initially with the implementation of scaled agile practices, given the unpredictable nature of his plans.
  • PMP Test Preparation and PMP Test Prep: The rigorous preparation for the PMP exam could be a challenge for Pinky, but an amusing subplot for the viewers.


In the grand scheme of things, Pinky and the Brain would undoubtedly benefit more from PMP than PRINCE2. The PMP’s global recognition, emphasis on strategic and agile methodologies, and high ROI make it a perfect fit for their world-conquering ambitions. The journey of Pinky and Brain, armed with PMP certifications, would be a blend of strategic planning, humorous mishaps, and perhaps, just maybe, a step closer to world domination.

Remember, in project management, as in taking over the world, it’s all about strategy, adaptability, and, of course, having a good sidekick. Now, are you pondering what I’m pondering?

You can also improve your project management skills by enrolling in our exclusive continuous learning platform: Sandbox membership.

Bonus Meme: Pinky, holding a PMP certificate: “Brain, I think I finally found a use for all these project management acronyms! We can rule the world using WBS, Gantt charts, and EVM!”

Brain, facepalming: “Just narf off, Pinky, before you give me a PMI.”

Disclaimer: No hamsters were harmed in the writing of this blog post. And please, don’t try world domination at home. Stick to project management for good – unless you have a cheese-powered doomsday device, then maybe we can talk.