PMP Review: Rahul Passed the PMP in 30 Days. Check His Tips to Pass PMP Exam

5 min. read

Rahul Kamble recently passed the PMP certification exam. Rahul did a PMP review and shared his PMP journey with us. Check out Rahul’s tips to succeed in PMP exam.

1- How long did you study for the PMP certification exam?

As a first sentence of my PMP review, I would say, I have done dedicated PMP study for 4 weeks only. I had another 35 hrs contact training 3 years back. So I was having some brief introduction to PMBOK. The PMP certification training & PMBOK are two main resourced which helped me to prepare myself for PMP certification exam.

2- What was the biggest struggle when preparing for PMP certification exam?

Getting a time  from office & family work to prepare exam was a big struggle. Secondly PMBOK has mostly theoretical content. This theoretical structure makes preparation more difficult. Thirdly, there is possibility that pmp exam questions come from some topics/practices which are not stated in PMBOK. To identify these topics & practice from correct resources was a bit struggling task. These are the problems of my PMP review.

3- How was the quality of PMP certification training materials?

PMP certification training material was really good. Especially the handouts are externally useful for preparation of exam. In reality, these downloaded handouts made me to focus on PMP exam seriously. These training materials & its concise compilation & lucid manner illustration made me to take more interest. This is my point of PMP review for the PMP training materials of Master of Project Academy.

4- How much similar were the questions in real PMP certification exam when you considered the PMP certification exam questions in Master of Project Academy’s materials.

I would say 85 to 90% questions are similar in real PMP certification exam compared to PMP questions and answers in Master of Project Academy’s materials.

5- How many PMP certification exam questions did you practice before the exam?

PMP certification training of Master of Project Academy has over 700 questions. I practiced all of these and gone through my mistakes over and over again to get ready for the PMP certification exam. As part of my PMP review, I would recommend you to practice as many PMP questions as possible.

6- How was the support you received throughout the PMP certification training?

Prompt support & clarification was given by the Instructor of the PMP course, for our queries & doubts during certification training for our questions posted in comments area.

PMP review

7- Do you have any recommendations for future PMP certification exam candidates?

  1. Get some introductory training in project management & PMP. (You can check this Free PMP Training overview.)
  2. Have a bird eye view of PMBOK to understand it’s scope.
  3. Take a help of training course like PMP certification training which will guide you through PMBOK contents & make yourself ready for exam. You should check PMP review of the courses before enrolling in a course.
  4. Since PMBOK is mostly theoretical structured, make a habit of preparation of flashcard or notes. PMP certification training handouts were proved extremely useful for me. It helps you to have a quick glance through it whenever you get free time as small as 5 minutes.
  5. Solve the questions at end of each chapter. For wrong answered questions, try to look reference in PMBOK rather than satisfying yourself with explanation available in rationale.
  6. Solve full sample PMP exam papers from more than 2/3 different resources.

8- Do you have any tips for the PMP certification exam day?

  1. Keep yourself away from any hectic schedule if you can on exam day.
  2. Note down question numbers in rough work papers to identify questions & your rough work.
  3. Use facility of strikeout options to save time when you revisited to not-so-sure answers.

9- If you would give 3 tips to your close friend about PMP certification, what would you recommend as part of your PMP review?

  1. You need a good guide who can you take you thorough PMP certification journey from your hectic office & family work and responsibility This guide help you to prepare for exam in a very short time. PMP certification training is a very good guide for this case which has helped me to prepare myself in less than 4 weeks for exam.
  2. Solve more practice questions
  3. Always refer reference in PMBOK for your doubts / clarification. This will align yourself to think in context of PMBOK.

10- Please tell us any other comments that would be helpful for PMP certification aspirants.

I would like to suggest PMP aspirants to assess themselves with full sample PMP exam questions. Also, at the end, evaluate performance of five processes similar to real PMP exam.

Finally, how likely is it that you would recommend Master of Project Academy to a friend or Colleague?

Definitely I would recommend Master of Project Academy to friend & colleagues. It is very good value for money compared to other online training resources. You have flexibility to complete your course at your own pace. Course material & tools help you to prepare yourself in very short time span for PMP certification exam.

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to express my PMP review experience for PMP aspirants.

PMP Review

Rahul Kamble has bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and post graduation diploma in international business management. Rahul has 15 years work experience in engineering & project management. Rahul lives in Pune, India and working in Pall Corporattion as a Project Manager.

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Check out PMP Certification Training for further details.

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