If you are willing to earn the PMI-ACP certification, you should earn Agile education hours, not PDUs. Many PMI-ACP aspirants confuse this with PMI-ACP PDU. So, if you already have a PMI-ACP certification, you must fulfill the PMI-ACP PDU requirements to retain your certification or it will expire. PMI-ACP PDU Requirements In a Snapshot: You […]
Tag: PMI ACP certification
PMI ACP Online Training: Comparison of PMI ACP Online Training Options
In this post, we will consider the pros and cons of PMI ACP Online Training. In addition to this, you can also appreciate why PMI ACP is needed for you. Therefore, let us dig into the PMI ACP Online Training to get to know the whys and wherefores of PMI ACP Online Training. Attend our […]
PMI ACP Eligibility Requirements: Are You Eligible for PMI ACP Exam?
If you are planning for PMI ACP Certification, are you looking for a good corporate training for PMI ACP? Then you need to know the PMI ACP eligibility requirements. You are probably keen on taking up an agile certification for yourself or for your employees and hence exploring the PMI ACP eligibility requirements. Then, this is […]
PMI ACP Certification Cost: All Aspects of the PMI ACP Cost
Are you planning for PMI ACP? Interested in knowing what the PMI ACP certification cost is? How to budget for it? When we think of the PMI ACP cost, we would need to know what the cost components for the PMI ACP certification are. You may have heard that PMI ACP is the credential that […]
PMI-ACP Exam – Cost, Schedule, Pass Rate 100% Covered
PMI-ACP certification is one of the top Agile certifications in the market. There are several PMI-ACP certification benefits once you earned it. If you are planning to sit for the PMI-ACP exam, there are five important PMI-ACP exam aspects that you must be aware of: What are the requirements for the PMI-ACP exam? What is […]