In the Sequence Activities process of Project Time Management, the major output is a Network Diagram. But what is a Network Diagram? In the online PMP training, its purpose is explained as “visualizing the project activities in boxes with the activity IDs and showing the interrelationship of activities with arrows”. Network diagrams tell if an […]
Tag: time management processes
7 Processes of PMP Time Management Knowledge Area
PMP Time Management Knowledge Area is the third project management knowledge area coming after Scope Management. While working on your PMP study plan, you will notice that PMP Time Management is an important knowledge area. According to project management professional training, it mainly deals with the relationship of the activities, start and end dates of the […]
Plan Schedule Management Process: 9 Items to Include in the Plan
If you are studying for PMP Certificate, one of the PMP exam requirements is enrolling in a PMP course to get your 35-hours of PMP education. In this training, you will learn about the knowledge areas and processes. There are 10 knowledge areas of project management and Project Time Management is an important one. The […]
How to Sequence Activities in a Project? A Handy Guide
In Time Management, after define activities process, activities that need to be performed to complete the project scope are determined. But, these activities must be performed in a sequence. What’s the reason for conducting this sequence activities process? Because some activities will depend on another, therefore they need to wait before the dependent activity finishes, […]
Develop Schedule Process: Learn the Objectives, Inputs and Outputs
Develop Schedule process is the 6th process of Time Management Knowledge Area. As explained in the project management professional training, during the previous processes of the time management, activities have been determined, activity relationships were described, activities were put in sequence, activity resources and activity durations have been estimated. During develop schedule process, outputs of […]