PMP PDU Courses

PMP PDU Courses: Top 3 PMP PDU Courses to Renew PMP

14 min. read

If you are a PMP-certified professional, you must retain your PMP certification in each three years. To do this you must earn PMP PDUs. PMP PDU Courses are one of the best ways to earn PDU for PMP renewal. Are you PMP certified and thinking of PMP renewal? PMP PDU courses is the most common source of obtaining 60 PDUs for renewing PMP certification.

In this post, we will go over three alternatives of PMP PDU respectively. First one is traditional classroom PDU courses. The second and the most comfortable and affordable option for earning PDUs is online PMP PDU Courses, and the last one is other PMP PDU course resources such as seminars, conferences etc. Read on to learn more about PMP PDU Courses and renew your PMP!

PMP PDU Courses

Important: Some people confuse the contact hours required to earn for sitting for PMP exam and PDU hours that you must earn to renew your PMP certification. If you also have questions about this, read our free PMP PDU post.

How to Renew PMP Certification?

Let us discuss the process of PMP renewal, where the PMP PDU courses come in and what are the steps you need to follow to maintain your PMP badge! Firstly, the good news is you don’t need to retake the PMP certification exam for PMP Renewal. So, what is the process for PMP renewal? Here you go!

PMP PDU Courses

  1. Login to CCRS online: you need to login to the Continuing Certification System of PMI which is an online portal. This helps you to report the PDUs that you have earned in an easy way.
  2. Report PDU: you can start earning PDU from the day you are a PMP. These PMP renewal PDUs can be reported based on the PMP PDU courses you have undergone. You can earn PDU and report the number of PDUs in the system based on the category
  3. Choose category & report: PMI allows you to report PDU under various categories. We will explore the categories in a bit under which you can report the PMP PDU courses you took. While there are certain minimum and maximum number of PDUs you can earn under each category, they are clearly defined. So, when you plan your PMP PDU Courses, you should also check out the alignment to the Talent Triangle and the maximum number of PDU you can earn for these PMP PDU Courses.
  4. Complete Renewal Application: You need to earn 60 PDU to renew your PMP certification as per the Continuing Certification Requirements. Have you fulfilled the Talent Triangle requirements from the PMP PDU courses you have done? When you meet all these requirements, you need to fill in the PMP Renewal application.
  5. Reaffirm PMI Code of ethics: You also need to reconfirm that you are and you will abide by the PMI code of ethics.
  6. Pay Renewal fee: Once you complete all these, you will be guided by PMI to pay the renewal fee
  7. Maintain PMP Certification: Now, you are a PMP in good standing for another 3 years wherein you need to earn PDU totaling 60 and repeat the process. This is to ensure you are always aligned to the dynamic changes in the profession.

Watch our “How can I earn PDUs from PMP® PDU Courses?” video

What is CCRS?

The “Continuing Certification Requirements System” is an online portal for reporting your PDUs. You can log in and report the PDUs you earn over the three-year cycle.

What Are the Categories to Report PDU?

You need to have an insight into the categories prescribed by PMI under which you are allowed to earn PDU. Let us do a deep dive to know what they are and how they will help you to earn PDU for the PMP PDU Courses. Are there other options? How many PDUs can you earn?

 PMP PDU Courses

“Education” Category

Training or Courses

Let us explore the training or courses that are available from various sources. You can earn PDU through training sessions or courses. These PDU courses can be conducted in your organization or by PMI or any other related organizations. What PDU courses do you have to earn PDU under this category?

  • Educational events: These are pre-scheduled sessions conducted by the project management institute PMI. This is one way to earn PMP PDUs provided you can plan well in advance and willing to pay the price.
  • E-learning on-demand courses are available and again at a price that is generally not easy in the pocket unless your organization sponsors – you can see our PMP PDU Courses Online post.
  • Education Courses that are recognized by Global Accreditation Center of PMI: If you attend any postgraduate or certificate programs from GAC accredited colleges, you can appropriately apportion the PDU for these
  • Training courses by REPs and third-party providers: PMI has Registered Education Providers (REP) who conduct training courses to earn PDU while you learn.
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100% FREE PDU Pack

Let us send you links for our Free PDU Pack. Package includes:

- Free PDU Training - Worth 4 PDUs
- PMP PDU Requirements
- PMP PDU Resources & How to Earn PDUs
- 8 Steps to Renew PMP Certification

Online or Digital Media

If you are the typical project manager, then time is probably the most premium resource you have. Therefore, you want to squeeze in you learning whenever you can spare some time. Your schedules are tight and it may be difficult for you to plan well in advance for a regular classroom course. Therefore, you are at a loss as to how to earn PDU?

You are not alone, so don’t worry, the PMI PDU online is a boon for managers like you. There are online PDU courses available online. Hence, you can earn PDU through the PDU courses in an online mode. Let us see how the top 3 alternatives, classroom training, live classroom training and online PMP PDU courses compare.

Classroom Training VS Live Classroom Training VS Online PMP PDU Course

PMP PDU Courses

We have explored the training & courses that you could take to earn PDU while now you know that there is also online PDU courses possibility in addition to a live classroom training, all thanks to technology advancements. If you are contemplating on which one to take to earn PDU, read on!

How much a practitioner spends for PMP certification renewal PDUs?

Do you have an idea on how much a practitioner spends for PMP renewal PDUs? Per PMI it ranges from $3000-$6000! That’s is definitely a lot when you compare with the cost of PMP certification. Why is it so? Most often, the reason is that the PMPs are not aware of the options available and the pros and cons. Here, we will discuss the options you have so that you can make an informed decision on which PMP PDU courses are right for your requirement.

Classroom training:

  • Traditional mode that you are used to and familiar with for PMP PDU Courses
  • The calendar is released well in advance and you need to pre-book the class to earn PDU
  • Sessions could range from 1 day to 5 days
  • They are held either on training provider’s premises or at a separate venue. Therefore, you may have to travel to the venue of the training
  • While the instructor is available for you to clarify any questions you may have, there could always be a mismatch between your pace and others in the classroom
  • How does it compare in terms of cost?
    • If you are considering upgrading your skills by learning the usage of Microsoft Project tool, you may have to spend an average $2500 for a 2-day program. Thess PMP PDU courses will fetch you 14 PDU generally.

Let us now compare this with other PMP PDU courses…

Live classroom training:

  • The advantage in these PMP PDU courses is that you have the instructor available during the session while you can attend from a convenient location such as your home.
  • You can avoid the commute to the venue but then again these are conducted on scheduled days which are not adjustable. Therefore, if you are called for a client meeting or there is an urgent requirement at work, you may have to miss the class.
  • While these give you the advantage of avoiding travel, you may have to adjust your sleep pattern based on which time zone you are in and which time zone the class is being conducted. That also tells on your focus sometimes! End of the day, it is not just to earn PDU that you have taken up these PMP PDU courses, you also have to learn and upgrade yourself.
  • How are these PMP PDU courses in terms of the cost? There is not much of an advantage in terms of the price. The same Microsoft Project may cost you close to $1800.

Online PMP PDU Courses:

How are the online PMP PDU courses different from others? What are the pros and cons?

  1. Online PMP PDU courses are courses that are available online. These PMP PDU courses qualify under the “Online or Digital Media category” under “Education”. And, you are allowed to take the full 60 PDU under this while you need to report a minimum of 35 PMP PDU in this category.
  2. These are recorded sessions or PMP PDU courses available in digital format as video lectures.
  3. The plus point is you have a variety of PMP PDU courses to choose from: Agile practices and methodologies, Lean and Six Sigma if you are looking for enhancing your knowledge.
    • You can also add more project management skills by taking up PMP PDU courses such as Microsoft Project or other tools.
  4. The PMP PDU courses will also suit the Talent Triangle requirements wherein you need to earn PDU of at least 8 in each category of “Ways of Working”, “Power Skills”, and “Business Acumen”.
    • Some of the online training providers of PMP PDU courses have a 60 PDU bundle that meets the CCRS. In addition to this, you have a judicious mix of the tools and conceptual courses on a set of topics that are in demand across various industry segments.
  5. The other advantage you have in these online PMP PDU courses is, they are anytime, anywhere!
    • Since these are Online PMP PDU courses in the form of video lectures, you sign up for the course and it is your convenience when you want to log in and learn.
    • This means you don’t need to travel, no unearthly times to stay awake for the PMP PDU courses!
    • You can take these online PMP PDU courses even if you are at a client’s place or out on vacation! There is no chance of missing a class, unlike PMP PDU Courses in a classroom!
    • While in a classroom PMP PDU Course, if you are tied up with an urgent client visit, there is no way you can attend the class. While they may allow you to sit for the next schedule, you never know if you would be able to make it!
    • At your pace! Is that not what you always wanted? How many times you felt cramped because you wanted to move on to the next topic while the other participants were still asking clarifications? On the flip side, you may have wanted to spend more time on another topic whereas the others moved on.
    • Avoid all these hassles and be the master of your learning. You decide when to do and how much to do with this online PMP PDU course!

PMP PDU Courses

What more benefits can you have from online PMP PDU course?

  • Sometimes you get some added benefits without even asking!
  • The biggest advantage is the price! You have seen the price range for the classroom and live classroom PMP PDU courses. So, how do the online PMP PDU courses fare with regards to these?
  • The PMI PDU online courses are more cost-effective compared to the other options discussed so far. While there are offered as a 60 PDU package, you can also choose individual online PMP PDU courses.
  • While there are PMP PDU courses available between $500-$1000, you sometimes can lookout for deals and discounts that are offered. You may get the complete 60 PDU package for under $100 too! Hence look out for these steal deals!
  • When you get PMP PDU courses at these great prices, don’t ever miss. Do not think that you already have earned some PMP renewal PDU, so why take the 60 PDU package? You can carry over up to 20 of these PMI PDU online to your next certification cycle.
  • Since these are videos, you can view them as many times as you want, whenever you want a revision, they are there for you. The access, of course, depends on the subscription that you have taken though! However, many providers give you 1-year access to these PMP PDU courses while you may also get lifetime access sometimes!
  • More benefits? Why not? You also get a certificate on the PMP PDU courses that you have completed which adds value to your resume as well!
  • If you think you may miss out on the clarification from the instructor, think again! Some of these PMP PDU courses come with 24-hour support. Which means, your queries would be answered by the instructor based on the SLAs
  • If you are saying WOW! There is more to these PMP PDU courses. You may also get a money back guarantee through the standard terms and conditions would apply!

You can earn PDUs online with our PM courses. You can check out the number of PDUs provided by Master of Project Academy’s courses on the PDU list matrix.

Other Options Under the Education Category

Organization Meetings:

Any meeting wherein you also have a learning component of 1-2 hour on any of the component related to the talent triangle will also count for PMP renewal PDU.  But, then these are limited and you need to keep track of these individual events and the talent triangle alignment.


If you are a bookworm, this is for you! While this is an easy way, you need to maintain the notes of what you read and learned as well! This is for audit purpose in case your PMP Renewal PDU comes for audit. There is a limit to how many PMP renewal PDU you can earn under this.

Informal Learning:

If you are learning from a mentor or you have lunch and learn sessions in your office, these also count for PMP renewal PDU other than the PMP PDU courses we have discussed so far. Hence, keep track of all these and lo them into the CCRS portal of PMI to earn PDUs.

But, you cannot earn more than 30 PDU under the reading and informal learning combined. Hence, if you are planning to earn PDU from multiple categories, you need to have an efficient tracking in place. You may have to keep a watch on how many PMP PDU courses, other PMP renewal PDUs you have earned and under which category and which component of talent triangle.

“Giving Back” Category

PMP PDU Courses


When you are a project management practitioner, you are already giving back to the project management community. You are applying your knowledge and skills and effectively delivering projects. Therefore, you can earn PDU when you are a practicing project manager.

Create Content:

If you can write blogs, create presentations, articles or conduct webinars, you can earn PDU as well. You can read more in PMP PDU webinars post.


Another way to earn PDU is through developing and delivering presentations at PMI events, seminars, etc.


PMI encourages volunteering for project management activities. If you want to contribute to the project management community, check out the opportunities on the VRMS on PMI website.

Therefore, you have options other than PDU courses to earn PDU. There are also free webinars but you are again limited to the time zones, schedules and tracking and alignment to talent triangle.

Master of Project Academy offers Free PMP PDU Training bundle and earns you 4 PDUs for FREE. Enroll now!

Free PDU Training

Summing up on how to earn PDU and work on PMP Renewal, you can choose the options available under education and giving back. But, if you want to have a load off your mind on managing these nitty gritties, you can go for online PMP PDU courses that are convenient and cost-effective!

If you want to renew your PMP Certification, Master of Project Academy offers you PDU packages as online PMP PDU Courses. Check out the options available now and renew your certification quickly and easily!

pmp pdu courses


PMP PDU Courses

Author Biography:

Sunanda Gundavajhala, B.Tech, M.B.A, PMP has over 25 years of project management. She is a consultant, trainer on project management for different sectors and is the recipient of “Recognition of Excellence” award from PMI, USA and Woman Volunteer award from Hyderabad, India Chapter of PMI. She has contributed to the “Practice Standard on Scheduling, PMI” in addition to being the Liaison officer for PMIEF (Education Foundation) for the Hyderabad, India Chapter of PMI